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June 2020 Update

There has again been a lot of progress this month in the development of Björkvattnet Wind Farm, the most notable being the arrival of GE Renewable Energy, the turbine suppliers. GE Ren representatives first showed up at site at the beginning of the month, with their presence expected to grow until around mid-July, when up to 165 employees will be working on the project. On arrival, the employees are briefed on site Health & Safety and Environmental practices and have begun to cooperate with existing site contractors through daily coordinated meetings. The civil contractor, SIC, have successfully handed over 2/5 areas of the windfarm in time for GE Ren’s arrival. Works are ongoing at the site Substation, with the arrival of transformer components, and completion of cable laying into the building.


Turbine erection equipment and turbine components have started to arrive at site. A series of cranes are in place, which carry out various functions such as component unloading, installation, and assembly support. Turbine components which have started to arrive at site include switchgear and base tower sections. The switchgear is the connection point between the internal turbine cabling, and underground cabling which connects the turbine to the onsite substation. The base tower section is critical as this is the part of the turbine tower which is fixed to the turbine foundation through a series of large bolts and a cementing procedure known as ‘grouting’. The base tower section is also the access point into the turbine, for commissioning work and further maintenance. Currently, tower sections have been delivered to two turbine locations, in the South East area of the site. Deliveries of turbine components will continue for the month of July, with all Abnormal Loads arriving through the night (including tower sections, blades, nacelles, and hubs).

Drone shot of the cable routing into the substation building
Drone shot of the cable routing into the substation building
Crane arriving at site
Crane arriving at site
Pre-install cranes in position
Cranes in Operation at BJV11 & BJV14
Cranes in Operation at BJV11 & BJV14