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March 2021 Update

Throughout the month of March, we have seen signs of the arrival of Spring. Weather is always important during the construction of a wind farm, and although it might be obvious that wind and snow can impact construction, warming temperatures also play a role in climates similar to that of Björkvattnet. The heavy transport and lifting equipment must have a solid foundation to work upon, and as the frost begins to thaw, the ground’s capacity to withstand construction loads could potentially be compromised. To ensure that we continue to operate safely, load bearing sections of crane hardstands (where the cranes lift and install the turbine components) are being continually monitored by a third-party geotechnical engineering team. This month saw a further three (3) turbine installed, four (4) turbines commissioned, and three (3) complete their reliability run.


To summarise the status, Main Installation is complete on twenty-six (26) turbines; commissioning works have been completed on eighteen (18) turbines by the end of the month; and thirteen (13) turbines have completed their reliability run, the 8-day performance test and final stage before the turbine is considered operational.


April will see a continuation of turbine erection, internal works, commissioning and test runs. Also, operational completion of the first section.