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December 2022 Update

Fact sheet December 2022
Average wind speed (m/s)ca. 8.2 m/s
Production (GWh)ca. 27 GWh
Safety and environmental incidents0


In December, the production impacted by ice during the first half of the month. The icing improved, and the second half had great production days.



  • The clean up will be completed in 2023
  • The conclusion of the root cause analysis was finalized and reported to Länsstyrelsen


The focus in December has been the last task under the planned maintenance for 2022. The ice has impacted the production, and made some maintenance tasks more lengthy.


The remaining two blades repairs will be done in 2023 together with the planned maintenance.

When there is planned maintenance, roadblocks are installed.

The site team then demobilized all main activities for the last two weeks of the month to prepare for the winter break.

The standby team was though on site to attend all potential trouble shooting.

Over the Christmas break, the windfarm did produce smoothly, and no major or urgent were required.


Due to the winter and icing conditions, it is important for people to pay attention when going in the vicinity of the wind farm.

Additional signs were put at the entrances of the wind farm


It is now time to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!