Production in April was affected by lower average winds, lower availability and icing event. During the low wind days, the team did some tasks of the planned maintenance....
Production in March was affected by lower average winds. There was also the effect of ice. During the low wind days, the team did some tasks of the planned...
Nevertheless, the is still the effect of ice, with some snow, a lot of snow! As the year starts, it’s all about planning the maintenance, and finalizing the...
In December, the production was mostly affected the effect of ice as well as few days with low wind. December was a quiet month. The current activities...
September has been a maintenance intensive month again. The current activities are for example: Blade repairs Wind turbines inspections Site clean up Maintenance/repairs at the site building Some...
In August, the production was mostly affected by the the lower average wind speed and the planned maintenance. Also, there has been few hours we an unplanned outage on...
There is also the planning of the review of the civil works....
In April, the production was mainly affected by the lower wind speed. It is circa 18% less than the long-term wind speed.
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